If you see Keith Packard, say hello
Tell him to give me commit access to fontconfig. He stopped responding to my multiple pings and other messages a while ago.
The last fontconfig release happened over a year ago. I've been hacking on fontconfig and reviewing and committing patches submitted by others since August, and
my tree has accumulated 190 commits so far, and touches about 7000 lines of code.
My tree fixes more than half of the bugs open in upstream bugzilla. It also includes many many performance improvements. Consumes less memory. Has a FcFontSort() call four times faster. And adds many new features as well as support for many new languages.
It also adds features needed for
automatic font installation using PackageKit. This feature is
included in Fedora 11, which means my tree is shipped in F11. Other distros however are waiting for a tarball without "behdad" in the version tag before updating.
Labels: fontconfig