Barack Obama
I've been following this election race very closely, but I also have a rule to not blog about politics.
Larry Lessig's
20 minutes or so about why [he's] 4Barack made me want to share it (even though all my readers have already watched it), and ask for the help of those Americans who still have a vote to cast (even if this post converts no one).
Of course Lessig is an awesomely great presenter and this is nothing short of his usual style. Almost had tear in my eyes when he was talking about war and Iraq and Iran...
In other Lessig news, a friend of mine was so lucky to accidentally come across and attend Lessig's last
presentation of Free Culture in Stanford a couple weeks ago. I'm also listening to the
Free Culture audiobook in the gym this week (particularly liked
Raph Levien's reading of the Introduction). Seems like audiobooks work even better than music in the gym for me. Not in the bed though.
What other great books out there are audio'ed (and freely available)?
Labels: lessig, obama, video