GNOME Work This Cycle, Done
So to avoid missing the deadline again, I actually rolled out and released vte-0.11.20 and gucharmap-1.5.3 on Saturday, and pango-1.10.4 and pango-1.11.99 on Sunday, and Phil released dasher-3.99.5. Get all from is probably the last Pango release in the 1.10 branch. Vte, Gucharmap, and Dasher are just waiting for more translations before turning into final releases for GNOME 2.14, and Pango-1.11.99 is named so "Just In Case." So I'm done with GNOME work for this cycle. Can cross my fingers until the next tarballs-due before rolling some more.
I made a supposedly better, cool, Tango-based icon for Dasher. Looks like this:

. It's got a semi-transparent background. My first version had a transparent background, like this:

. The old dasher icon was this:

. Comments welcome.
That said, gucharmap can use a better icon. Filed
I plan to do a separate post on all the cool stuff that went into Pango this cycle. Got to reply to the Werror posts too. Both are will be really long posts I'm afraid...