McEs, A Hacker Life
Cairo and winelib Adventures
I had some
winelib adventures a few years ago when I tried to compile
FarsiTeX's Windows editor on Linux. That time I admitted defeat.
This time I decided to use winelib to compile and test cairo's win32 backends on Linux. Just being able to compile that code (and that of other backends) catches silly syntax errors when I have to, say, modify a backend interface that touches all backends. I've had the same need in Pango too. So I started on Friday, with the goal of compiling, and testing the win32 backends using winelib.
It took quite a few hours, and winelib docs are at best four years old and out dated, but I finally managed to kinda find out how the thing works and got cairo's test suite running against winelib. More details
Kinda feel the victory this time, but would have been a lot happier if the test suite had passed almost all tests, instead of about 60%... Anyway, means more testing for cairo and that can't be bad. I also tried to raise some awareness / get some help on #winehq and #winehackers, but was mostly trolled by someone I'm not going to name.
That's all I was so excited about a few minutes ago...
Labels: cairo, win32, wine, winelib
Google Summer of Code '07 is ON
Not surprisingly, seems like
Google Summer of Code '07 is ON. All students and developers should start thinking about cool and neat ideas. Stay tuned.
Labels: gnome, google, soc
OpenMoko Opened
Congrats to the
OpenMoko team for
opening access to their development resources. Can't wait to see their prototypes.
Labels: embedded, gnome, openmoko
Linux, Vista, and Graffiti
Seems like Linux attack on Vista ads is getting hot in Toronto.
Apparently some teared off the word Linux on the Vista ad in the Finch subway station.
An older graffiti involving Linux and Windows.
And also found about the amazing
Graffiti Research Lab.
In other news, currently at the
Techshop for the
XDC. Good to see Keith's randr1.2 talk finally. Met Glynn in passing too. Back to Techshop, it's a totally rad workshop for
makers. They are in fact going to run guest classes for us involving tattooing laptops with laser beams!
/me prepares the GNOME Foot logo.
Labels: gnome, graffiti, keithp, linux, randr1.2, techshop, vista, xdc
Tux at Microsoft Ice House in Downtown Toronto
Apparently there will be a 10ft Tux plus Linux CD handout by the Microsoft ice house Vista ad campaign in the Yonge and Dundas Square in Downtown Toronto starting in a few minutes. Wear your tshirts and hats, go be there!
Labels: linux, toronto, tux, vista
So I made it to Boston on Wednesday night. Suffering stories for later. I'm at FUDCon until Sunday. It's always good to see the faces behind the IRC nicks.
Labels: Boston, Fedora, fudconboston2007
Field testing the olpc
Executive summary: Well received.
Ben meets the olpc:

He has other interests/talents too:

Labels: Ben, olpc