I finally inserted the Fedora Core 2 DVD and installed it! Nothing really broke. Hardly anything changed at all! Well, now at least I can do "yum update" again.
I found out that most of the brokenness in menus
et al comes from my dotfiles. So, in a first step, I removed all my GNOME CVS checkouts and cleaned up my ~/lib, ~/include, ..., set up a complete GNOME HEAD build in /opt using
jhbuild. Yum, jhbuild, and the crs tool that I wrote, all show that Python is
the tool for this kind of jobs. NO OTHER language is so charming to work with lists, graph, and config files! The build is just half way and I expect it to go for 10 or 15 more hours.
The build system is not ideal yet, but since I've got a small install of FC2, many build problems show up. Three of them so far.
So it remains to clean ~/.gconf, ~/.gnome-panel, ...
Also after cleaning up the old root partition, well, I will have a 10GB free partition! I will eventually move /opt to it since I expect to run out of space before the build finishes.
[Yes, didn't start work on
FriBidi yet this week...]