Desktop Developers' Conference - Day2
I slept and missed the
Wine talk by CodeWeavers CEO
Jeremy White.
Next talk was about
Games on Linux. These two guys hang around and port all kind of games to Linux for companies. They showed us some demos of Unreal Tournament. Alan Cox also showed up.
Then was the interesting talk about
GCJ and the Desktop by
Thomas Fitzsimmons or Red Hat. Seems like in a year or two we can really use gcj to compile and run all Java programs, which makes Java a good candidate for
the higher-level language for
GNOME desktop.
After that was the talk on
Eclipse by
Billy Biggs. He actually focused on the
Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) they have implemented and
Eclipse is based on. Sounds like an interesting widget set for Java.
Then was the talk about
New Features of Qt 4, delivered by
Jasmin Blanchette that I will cover in the next post.
And finally,
Getting to the Next Web was delivered by the founders
Mike Shaver and Brendan Erich. They talked about all these different markup languages. More importantly, they told us how SVG 1.2 is not what you think it is. It is Evil(TM). It even has a socket API in it! And that they are not going to implement the dirty sutff in it. They will implement SVG 1.1 and a few parts of 1.2. The rest was open discussion...
This marked the end of conference. I asked everybody to come for a group photo which we made. Here it is:

There was also a unsponsored pub-night for the coming
OLS'04 that we were invited too. I met Harald Welte, the netfilter & iptables chairman. We happened to become friends last year in OLS'03. I talked more with Telsa, and a few other people. Then I joined the table with gstreamer developers and Owen Taylor, and soon found myself talking Pango with Owen, which lasted an hour. Then we joined Daniel Viellard and a KDE developer, talked about libxml a bit, and the KDE guys noted that they want to use
GNU FriBidi in
KSVG, the SVG engine for KDE!
We came back to hotel, shook goodbye hands with Owen, hoping to meet next year at
GUADEC in Germany...