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McEs, A Hacker Life
Thursday, April 20, 2006
 Google Summer of Code '06

By now everybody should know that Google Summer of Code is back this summer. Proposals are accepted May 1st to May 8th, and the coding period is three months instead of two last year.

So I'm administering the GNOME side of it with Vincent, and mentoring for GNU too (guidelines). Don't forget to submit your GNOME ideas here.

Today I figured I may still be eligible to take part as a student, so after asking with Raphaël and checking the mailing list, seems like one can mentor for one organization and code for another. So I hope Fedora do jump in so I can submit to them again. Too bad I crossed GNOME and GNU out with my own hands :-).

There's been a long thread on an internal GNU list about who should get the $500: FSF or the mentors. Won't (and can't and shouldn't) get into the details...

Their eligibility rules still say no citizens of Iran. They agreed last year that a non-resident citizen is Ok, we'll see what happens this year.

Behdad, how about considering a PangoTeX as a project for Google Summer of Code? If you could offer the pdfTeX a way of going beyond >256 charset limit, I guess its developers would be interested on it.
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