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McEs, A Hacker Life
Monday, October 31, 2005
 GNOME and Ubuntu talk: Jeff Waugh in Toronto

Jeff Waugh brings the BadgerBadgerBadger tour to town, and talks about all the amazing things happening in the GNOME and Ubuntu projects, from the new multimedia framework of the GNOME project, to the .NET application development environment for the Linux desktop, to the GNOME project deployment on the Nokia internet tablet devices. Expect a high wow-factor and lots of Ubuntu CDs and stickers.

Where: BA1170, Bahen Building, 40 St George St, Toronto.
When: Monday November 07, 7:00--9:00PM.

We probably go for a drink/dinner afterwards. Please forward to interested parties, lists, newspapers, etc.


By day, Jeff Waugh works on Ubuntu business and community development for Canonical. By night, he rides shotgun on the GNOME release juggernaut and plots the Open Source blogging explosion with Planet. Waugh is an active member of the Free Software community, holding positions such as GNOME Release Manager (2001-2005), Director of the GNOME Foundation Board (2003-2005), president of the Sydney Linux User's Group (2002-2004), and member of the 2001 organising team. Jeff was awarded the Google-O'Reilly Open Source Evangelist Award for his contribution go Ubuntu and GNOME projects this last Summer. He is a card-carrying member of Linux Australia, but does not say "mate".

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Update: It's real.

Update2: If the image looks corrupted, it's a Flickr bug. Click on the image and choose another size in the mean time.

 UBZ days -1 and 0

So Ryan and I arrived in Montreal last night. Ryan checked in to the hotel and I called a friend of mine Shahab in, and just hub and his girlfriend Nancy from Ontario showed up too, so we walked up to downtown, had dinner when Mona joined us, and landed in a bar just to talk about all the strip clubs in Montreal. I used my right to smoke in bars in Montreal.

I also got a cool photo at the bar that I cannot post yet, since I've left my laptop (and other stuff) at Ryan's hotel room and he's at hub's place now. Got to catch up.

Met jdub today. Apparently there's nothing happening today, except for Cannonical people meeting.

Anyway, looking forward for an awesome week of hacking.

Thursday, October 27, 2005
 Optimizations continue on the Pango front

Work is in progress 24/7 on's #performance channel by warriors Federico Mena-Quintero and Billy Biggs (read their latest reports) on optimizing Pango. The results are very promising so far, at least five patches exist, each with at least 5% speendup in a wide array of scenarios. I tested my new FriBidi and OpenType optimization stuff last night, here are the results, thanks to Federico's benchmark tools:

Wednesday, October 26, 2005
 Massaging Board Meeting Minutes Data

Following up on the discussion about reducing the GNOME Foundation board size from 11 to 7, I used some shell and awk to get some attendance statistics out of the meeting minutes that Daniel has been sending out.

First we need to download all the traffic on the foundation-announce list for the year of 2005 (only):

for year in 2005; do
for m in `seq -w 12`; do
month=`date +'%B' -d $year/$m/01`;
wget -O -$year-$month.txt.gz |
gunzip > foundation-announce-$year-$m$month.txt;

Now we want to figure out how many meetings each of the board members has attended, missed, or sent a regret. A bit of awk does exactly that:

cat foundation-announce-2005-* |
awk '
/^(Attendance|Missing|Regrets):?$/ {mode=$0; state=0; next;}
/^$/ {if (!state) state++;
if (state>1) mode=0;
/:$/ {mode=0; next;}
/^=*$/ {next;}
/^ / {state=2;
if (mode) print mode" "$0;}
' |
sed '
s/ *(.*//;
s/ */ /g;
s/David Neary/Dave Neary/g;
' |
sort |
uniq -c |
sort -n -r

And here is the output:

13 Attendance: Tim Ney
13 Attendance: Owen Taylor
12 Attendance: Murray Cumming
12 Attendance: Federico Mena-Quintero
12 Attendance: Daniel Veillard
11 Attendance: Jonathan Blandford
10 Attendance: Dave Neary
8 Attendance: Luis Villa
8 Attendance: Jody Goldberg
8 Attendance: Christian Schaller
7 Attendance: Miguel de Icaza
4 Regrets: Miguel de Icaza
4 Missing: Christian Schaller
3 Regrets: Luis Villa
3 Regrets: Jody Goldberg
2 Regrets: Jonathan Blandford
2 Regrets: Dave Neary
2 Missing: Miguel de Icaza
2 Missing: Luis Villa
2 Missing: Jody Goldberg
1 Regrets: Murray Cumming
1 Regrets: Federico Mena-Quintero
1 Regrets: Daniel Veillard
1 Regrets: Christian Schaller
1 Missing: Dave Neary

 Inverse Distribution

Yesterday Divesh Srivastava was giving the departmental colloquium here about Streams, Security, and Scalability. Interesting talk generally, but there was one point I particularly liked, and think the idea can be useful in other scenarios too:

Suppose that you are monitoring the traffic of your lab's network, and would like to detect when a new internet worm is emerging. Note that you don't even know what this new work looks like. Here is how it works: take packets for one-minute (whatever) worth of traffic, form the n-grams in the input (start with bigram or trigrams, but 4-grams and above are not out of question either), and distribute them into bins based on their frequency. You get an inverse distribution which for given x, tells how many n-grams have frequency x. Now if the traffic is random-enough, this inverse distribution function should follow a Poisson distribution, which is a deformed bell curve of some kind. Draw the graph of the function (may want to use logarithmic x axis.)

Now as a new internet worm becomes epidemic, the frequency of the n-grams in the worm payload get exponentially(?) higher and higher, and in the graphic view of the function, you see another bell curve raising higher and higher and farther to the right. That's a new worm spreading!

This paper contains the details, as well as ways to trigger this automatically.


caleb: Have you checked stereograph for linux? It's a neat project on The cool thing is, it can produce stereograms for transparent objects like glass! Check the one in this page.

That said, stereograms hit Iran around 1994. I remember getting an Iranian reprint of Magic Eye I that had an ad about a big prize (~$4000 back then, which was worth quite a lot more in Iran) for the first one who writes a computer program to produce stereograms, before the end of the (Persian) year. I got the book as a new-year gift... Anyway, where's your code by the way?

 Free Software and Open Source Symposium

[Off topic: An initial Google Summer of Code report is out, with partial list of projects and map of participants.]

Yesterday (Monday) I attended the 4th Free Software and Open Source Symposium at Seneca college. Seneca is located in the York University campus by the way.

It turned out to be a good way to spend a day in leisure. The opening address, Open Source 101: Introduction to Collaboration, was yet another Creative Commons Canada talk, but the presenter (Marcus Bornfreund) had this ironed out style that gets deep in. One point he was stressing was: there's no Open Source software, there's software released under an Open Source license. Not many people agreed though.

Next slot I made the mistake of going for the Python Power -- Learning, Teaching and Doing with the World's Easiest Programming Language talk, which can be shortened without loss of information in: "Python is a very easy language, but it's not a toy language." Eek.

Skipped the slot before lunch. After lunch was LTSP - Changing the Rules of the Desktop World by Jim McQuillan. Now this one I could easily relate to. Jim was, kinda, one of us... compared to most of the rest of the attendees who were mostly consumers of Open Source software, and affiliated with a small company (of their own.) Don't bite me on this point though. Jim's presentation was, needless to say, interesting. Lesson learned: Our X terminals at the school crash when we open a lot of tabs with lots of graphics in Mozilla most probably because they have not set up swap space for the X terminal, so, when X fills up the available memory, kernel OOM-kills it. Simple, eh? Poor us.

Next talk was The Life-cycle of Open Source: The Renaissance of X, by Seneca's Chris Tyler. Even though I knew all the stuff he talked about (the history of X, recent rise, etc.), his presentation was awesome: presented in the Lessig method, with a remote and synchronized to the millisecond. Really enjoyed it.

The final presentation was a weird one, Ruby, Blackboard and the Challenge for Open Source by Stephen Downes.

Read Fernando Duran's account of the conference for more detailed information.

Monday, October 24, 2005
 From Half-Marathon to Capture the Flag

Last weekend I joined Farhang for the Toronto half-Marathon. Now, the last time I was on practice was in June, and my longest was 10km, and that was all making me a bit nervous. Stayed the night before the race at Farhang's, who cooked a tasty pasta for everybody. The weather was just perfect. We started around Finch & Yonge, headed down Yonge St. and turned east just before Bloor St., where we headed South by in a trail by Bay View and finally entered downtown through Lakeshore Blvd. Headed North at University Ave. and turned the whole way around the Queens Park to the finish line.

I had quite a bit of problem getting started, something like I drank too much water in the morning. So after 7km, I let Farhang go and backed up for a while at a Second Cup! I started again and made it straight to the finish line. After the lengthy stop I had, I aimed for 2:15, and unbelievably my gun time was 2:15:00.2! Chip time a few seconds shorter... Not a good time, I know, but then again, I was not even sure I can finish it, so, I'm happy with it. Official results here.

This past Friday night, with Hossein and Oktie, we took part in the last Capture the Flag game of the year, in the entire University of Toronto downtown campus. Around 500 people showed up. Map. We were in Team Danger (red), and my flat was in fact in the our zone, were my office was in the other zone.

The game started around 9PM. First we were defending, were each of us tagged a bunch of yellow guys. Around 10:30 Hossein and I left base to go for their flag. After jumping over a couple (public) fences and passing through four or five buildings (all needed key to access at that time of the day), we finally found their flag, just behind the Robarts library. We were still planning with this other red guy we found there when whistles were blown and everybody started leaving the game. So we all gathered in Queens Park. The game was ended prematurely since it was after 11PM, nobody scored yet, a (small) accident happened and police was called in. Very joyful though.

On Saturday night, Ehsan was around, so spent the night playing cards with Amir and Hossein, just like we all used to do back in undergrad. We played poker and blackjack though.

On a side note, Pouria finally wrote us back from Kabul. He's writing a weblog of his experience there.

Friday, October 21, 2005
 I can see through your masks

[Announcement: There's a new list: performance-list gnome org. All invited.]

Over the past two weeks I found somebody accessing my departmental Linux account using password and running mallware. The first time it happened, I was in great shock. Fortunately the admins confirmed that password authentication was used, so my precious private key on my laptop was not stolen. So I convinced myself that a friend's Windows machine I used to check mail was the source of the problem. When it happened a second time though, it left only two choices: My laptop, and the Linux box I use to check email when I'm in University of Toronto at Scarborough on Thursdays. It's a professor's office box, not a public box.

Anyway, I investigated the box in question, and indeed it was infected, by a rootkit and lots of other bad things. I didn't have root access, that made investigations a bit harder, but here are a couple of my observations that are worth noting:

Wednesday, October 19, 2005
 Pango hacking revisited

First, good news, Lars Knoll sent Owen Taylor and I a note about merging the OpenType Layout code in Pango and Qt. So, seems like the last item of my Pango roadmap will be RESOLVED FIXED without me doing all the work. Sweet.

The rest of this note is mostly in response to Federico's blog posts on Pango. For the first time, I'm advertising a piece of code I wrote a few years ago for compressing data tables efficiently. So it may be of interest to people not interested otherwise too.

In response to Federico's Glyph lookups (aka. Profiling the file chooser, part 5), my only concern is that of thread-safety, and scalability to multithreaded applications on multiprocessor systems. About thread-safety, I don't see any means to prevent race conditions when accessing the cache. Scalability is another well-known issue, my concern is that the cache may turn out to be a bottleneck when multiple threads try to access it in parallel. Discussion in the GMemChunk bug looks relevant.

Now somehow I managed to miss the excellent work in Federico's next report, the Pango gunichar->script and paired-character mappings work (aka. Profiling the file chooser, part 6) There's a lot of good points raised in that post, and I damn wish I could make it to the GNOME Summit (as a course in anger management, I really should keep reminding myself that I hold an Iranian passport more often.) Unfortunately Owen doesn't blog about work that often, and in fact it's a while since I last noticed him working on Pango. But I will try to find him and manage integrating some of these works in November. Now to the technicalities:

There are three main offenders that Federico, Billy, and Owen tackle: gunichar->script mapping, paired-characters table, and pango_log2vis_get_embedding_level. This last one is in fact FriBidi code copied inside Pango. I'll cover it last. The two other problems are both looking up a property for a Unicode character, and the current code is using a binary search on the run-length encoded tables. That's indeed the native approach, and slow. Now you may be amazed to know how these two relate to FriBidi too!

In FriBidi, currently we have two Unicode data tables: One mapping Unicode characters to their bidi-category, some 19 different values; the other one mapping Unicode characters to their mirrored characters if any, which is basically an identity mapping for almost all characters, except for things like parentheses and brackets, which are mapped to their pair. If these two kinda look like the two tables in Pango, you've got my point. So I'll elaborate on how we handled them in FriBidi:

Initially when FriBidi was written in 1999, a bsearch table generated by a Perl script was being used for both bidi-types and mirroring-char. Then in 2000, Owen sent a patch to use a two-level lookup table that drastically improved the performance. At that time Unicode still was a 16-bit character set! So the two-level was a simple [256][256] split. Later on when I showed up and started hacking all around FriBidi. Unicode jumped to the current 21-bit setting and all in a sudden there was not trivial best split. So I retired the Perl script, and wrote a generic table compressor that given the maximum number of lookups (levels) you can afford, it finds the optimal break down of the table and generates C code for that. Later on Owen suggested to use indices instead of pointers, to reduce relocation time. That was done, and we had a shiny compressor which was able to compress the bidi-type data for the whole Unicode range into 24kb for a two-level table, or 5kb for a four-level table, or 2.5kb for a nine-level table, or anything in between! We left the mirroring code intact, using the bsearch (that's not used in Pango though, Pango uses mirroring functions from glib). Later on when I was working on the new FriBidi code (not released yet), I improved the compressor more, and decided to use it for mirroring table too. Now, like any good compressor, it will compress pretty good if the (information theoretic) information in the table is small compared to the size of the table, which is the case for most of Unicode properties, that take one of a few values, with some kind of locality effect. For mirroring it was a bit different, most of the characters were mapped to themselves. What I did was to create a new table, which was the (mirrored_unichar - unichar) value. Now this new table was really sparse. Applied the compressor, lo and behold, down from 2656-bytes to 944-bytes, and instead of bsearch on a 322-entry array, to 4 lookups. Woot!

Now you would say the catch? The catch is that when I wrote that compressor code back in 2001, I was just moving on from programming contests to Free Software hacking, and using one-letter variable names in a backtrack still seemed like a good idea. The code works amazingly good though, and I do actually go take a look at it once in a while to internalize how to not write code. I have improved since.

The stuff:
Ok. I think the two samples are simple enough to get anybody going with the compressor. Would be interesting to see how tables generated using it will perform in Pango. Other than that, The existence of this problem in the first place is a good reason why I believe that all of the Unicode Character Database properties should be efficiently exposed in a central library, part of Project Giulia.

One final paragraph about pango_log2vis_get_embedding_level performance. There's been some discussion about short-circuiting that function for LTR-only text, and that's on the horizon, but probably after updating the mini-fribidi code with upstream. That said, some of the performance problems with that function will be solved after resynching and enabling the trash-stack. Currently it's malloc()ing about twice per word of text.

 Links, Movies, and (other) Trivia

[First attempt towards emptying my backlog]

Links everyone should have seen by now:
Random movie-related stuff:

Thursday, October 13, 2005
 Behdad's Pango roadmap

[I updated the previous post about gnome-terminal performance extensively. In short, g-t is faster than xterm. Xft is to be blamed (Hi Keith) :-D]

I see Pango mentioned quite a lot these days, mostly as the bottleneck to desktop rendering. So I thought I may write a bit about my view of how things are going in Pango.

First, in reply to Federico's comments:
Generally, I'm quite amazed by how stable Pango has become these days, no major features lacking, not much serious bugs. Now here are the major items in my Pango todo list, most of them are in bugzilla already:
Now how many of these I'll make for 1.12, no idea. The ones with a patch are mostly waiting for Owen's review.

[damn, internet is slow these days.]


There's this huge patch to shut various gcc warnings off too.

 gnome-terminal performance

[Somehow I managed to not write here for quite a while. In the meanwhile, I passed another birthday. Twenty-three now.]

That gnome-terminal is damn slow is not news, but I found a silly simple test case to measure how things are going. The test case:

time for x in `seq 10000`; do echo {a,b,c,d,e}{A,B,C,D,E}; done

With no write at all (>/dev/null):

real 0m1.436s
user 0m1.428s
sys 0m0.004s

with xterm (80x46, 10x20 bitmap font):

real 0m5.282s
user 0m1.384s
sys 0m0.032s

with xterm minimized (same settings):

real 0m4.472s
user 0m1.652s
sys 0m0.088s

with gnome-terminal (80x46, same visual size as 10x20, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono 12):

real 0m23.708s
user 0m1.388s
sys 0m0.048s

with gnome-terminal minimized (same settings):

real 0m2.833s
user 0m1.800s
sys 0m0.068s

To test the minimized case, just do a sleep 3 before the line and minimize the window after pressing enter.

Now that gives something to optimize for! Note how gnome-terminal's pseudo-terminal emulation is in fact faster than xterm's, since when minimized, g-t is faster. All we need is a hero to rip off some 50% of that rendering time to start with...


with gnome-terminal (80x46, 10x20 bitmap font):

real 0m4.126s
user 0m1.848s
sys 0m0.088s

with xterm using xft (same Bitstream Vera Sans Mono 12, run by uxterm -fa 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono' -fs 12):

real 0m27.334s
user 0m1.444s
sys 0m0.036s

Moreover, if I resize the windows to 80x4:

with gnome-terminal (Bitstream...):

real 0m7.480s
user 0m1.884s
sys 0m0.088s

with xterm using xft (Bitstream...):

real 0m26.638s
user 0m1.408s
sys 0m0.024s

Something funny that I experienced during these tests: My laptop's CPU would get to 70C and automatically drop the frequency to 1.2GHz (from 2.4GHz.) Thanks to the CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor applet, I figured that out, instead or reporting bogus digits. In the mean time, flipped the Vaio on the table such that it gets some more air. Have to open it for cleanup again, but it's really showing its age. Needs another backlight too. After getting a new laptop, I may use the old one for some Wacky laptop tricks.