McEs, A Hacker Life
Back in Toronto again
Well, my new room has no internet access, niether it has any telephone :(. Rolling Stones have been here in Toronto last week. I've missed it. Right now I'm in the greatest reference library in Toronto, with free internet access. Lots of things to do, lots of people to meet. Gotta go now. Well, I just met the Iranian guy that was in Carleton Univ passing in the street! Should find some way to get rid of him.
I'm trying to make the Mustek WCam 300 work under Linux. Compiling the latest ov511 module may help. Praying... -\|/-\|/-\|/-\
Uncle Kernighan
Rusty Russel in closing ceremony of the
OLS quoted from Brian Kernighan: - Debugging is two times harder than writing programs. (Anyone agrees? Well most of you do.). - So, if you write your programms as clever as you can, then, by definition, you are not smart enough to debug your programs! (Hackers moaning...)
Viva Ga..., Ga..., Galeon!
I opened my
previous blog to have a look around, when I felt like a huge band is performing. Guess what? Galeon was playing all music stuff I have put there in parallel!
In my way back from the conference dinner last night, I went to the light show on the parliament building with some friends, a Chinese, an Indian, and an Australian. Like any other conference I've attended, I am the youngest. The three with me all looked pretty young. The Chinise were 31 and a PhD student. The Indian 27 and PhD student again. The Australian guy is a faculty of IT!
I talked for an hour to the Iranian guy named Abdi which just finished his PhD here in Carleton. In the elevator I met a young woman which was not as nice as other people here in Canada. The all say you hello, keep the door open for the next one, .etc. She was leaving the elevator at floor five when her housband out of the elevator said in not a good language "Where were you, I looked for you everywhere" in Persian. It was really hard not to saying "She was with me." in Persian while door was closing!
One bad thing of being here in west, is that there's no longer every one awake answering my questions in mailing lists or irc channels :(. is empty.